We Teach:
Key Stage 1: Ages five to Seven
Key Stage 2: Ages Seven to Eleven
Key Stage 3: Ages Eleven to Thirteen
Key Stage 4: Ages Fourteen to Sixteen
With, much more added to its contents the National Curriculum became much more Demanding. The situation became worse when in March 2020 schools closed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Inevitably the pass rates are expected to drop drastically. Far less students than ever before will be passing their GCSEs. This is on top of the challenges imbedded into the curriculum in 2017 when the government made the curriculum more rigorous and in some-ways more traditional.
It believes the only way it can compete with education powerhouses world-wide in a pursuit to make sure that every child is stretched to the limits of their ability.
In English for instance there is a renewed emphasis on grammar, and the maths curriculum incorporates not only heaps more Algebra but contents of the old ‘A’ level curriculum are now part of the GCSE. The idea is to deepen students’ knowledge and to equip them with the key attributes that underpin all disciplines namely Maths, English & Science.
One, of the most visible changes were to the grades A*-g replaced with a scale graded 1-9, with 9 being the highest equivalent to an A** while the pass mark is set at 5, being around a strong C. The upshot of all this is that the bar has been raised and with the covid-19 most students will struggle to meet these demands.
According to one leafing think-tank, the average pass rate in English and Maths will decline to their lowest by about 35%.The percentage for the students awarded the very top grades will shrink to just 3%.
At Smart Kids we are confident we can still save the situation to make sure your child will won’t be left behind
Head Office:
535 Hollins Road,
Oldham, OL8 3TP